Transparency and demonstrable impact are cornerstones of success in impact investing. The Global Investment Impact Alliance (GIIA) recognizes this, offering a comprehensive Impact Management & Measurement (IMM) Service that goes beyond simply stating goals. We partner with you to establish robust frameworks, identifying key metrics directly aligned with your mission. These frameworks empower you to quantify and track your social and environmental impact, translating your positive change into compelling data and success stories. Imagine attracting purpose-driven investors who share your vision by showcasing the tangible difference you’re making. GIIA’s IMM Service equips you with a powerful toolset for attracting investment, building trust with stakeholders, and validating the true impact of your company’s mission.

Building upon this foundation, GIIA’s IMM Service extends to encompass the entire investment lifecycle. We recognise that impact considerations are integral to success, not afterthoughts. Our service ensures seamless integration of impact considerations at every stage, from structuring and managing innovative projects for financial viability and positive social/environmental change, to ensuring compliance with evolving regulations like the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and Taxonomy. By partnering with GIIA, you gain a comprehensive solution designed to unlock the full potential of impact investing.

Key Components of Our IMM Service:

Designing and Strengthening the IMM Framework:

  • Impact Objectives: We help you set clear, measurable impact goals that guide your investment strategy.
  • Theory of Change: We develop a comprehensive framework outlining the pathway to achieving your desired impact.
  • UN SDG Alignment: We ensure your investments contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Impact Investment Strategy: We craft strategies that maximize both financial returns and positive impact.
  • Impact Metrics: We identify specific metrics to effectively track and measure your impact.

Designing E&S / Impact Management System:

  • Investment Process & Governance: We integrate impact considerations seamlessly into your investment process and governance structures.
  • E&S Management System: We establish robust systems to effectively manage the environmental and social aspects of your investments.
  • Impact & ESG Risk Framework: We develop frameworks to assess and mitigate potential impact and ESG-related risks.
  • Incentive Mechanisms & Incident Escalation: We implement mechanisms to encourage impact-focused decision-making and establish processes for addressing any impact-related issues.
  • Measurement & Reporting: We set up systems for ongoing impact measurement and transparent reporting.

Implementation of ESG and Impact Practices:

  • Data Validation & Portfolio Aggregation: We ensure the accuracy of impact data and its aggregation across your portfolio.
  • Implementing ESMS/IMS: We operationalize your Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) or Impact Management System (IMS).
  • Due Diligence of Investees: Our thorough impact and ESG due diligence ensures responsible investment decisions.
  • Impact Reporting: We produce detailed reports that clearly articulate the achieved impact.
  • Alignment with EU Sustainable Finance Regulations: We ensure your investments comply with the EU’s SFDR and Taxonomy regulations, including:
    • Sustainable Investment Objectives: Aligning your investment objectives with the EU’s sustainable finance taxonomy.
    • Minimum Safeguards & ESG Risk Framework: Implementing minimum safeguards and a robust ESG risk framework as per EU guidelines.
    • Taxonomy Assessment & Principal Adverse Impacts (PAIs): Assessing investments against the taxonomy and identifying potential negative impacts.
    • Good Governance: Ensuring strong governance practices are in place.

Ongoing Support:

  • Dedicated Impact & SFDR/Taxonomy Managers: We provide ongoing support for managing impact and ensuring compliance with SFDR and Taxonomy regulations.
  • Regular Review & Risk Assessment: We conduct regular reviews of your strategy against targets and continuously assess impact and ESG risks.
  • Impact Monitoring & Reporting: We offer continuous monitoring and reporting of your impact performance.
  • Independent Fund Valuation: We can provide independent valuation services to assess your fund’s impact and financial performance.

Solidifying the Foundation for Sustainable Impact

GIIA’s IMM Service is a comprehensive solution that empowers you to make a positive social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. By integrating impact considerations throughout the investment process, we help you lay the foundation for a more sustainable and impactful future.

How GIIA can help